KENOXIOS Express Install

We'll install, set up, and optimize your KENOXIOS products for you

$ 9.99


How it works

Feature icon Touch


Click the "Buy Now" button above and place your order

Feature icon Mail

Check your email

We'll email you a link to start a secure remote connection

Feature icon Remote Connection


We'll remotely install and set up your software for you

Quick, easy, & available 24x7

Quick, easy, & available 24x7
• Just click the link we email you, and we'll handle the rest
• No need to wait for someone to come round—we do it remotely
• We'll install your AVG software and set it up to suit your needs
• Our experts are available 24x7, 365 days a year

Express Install

We're here for you everyday 24x7


You can read the full terms and conditions before connecting as US or UK calls may be subject to charges from your telephone provider.